Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where everybody knows your name

There are some things to strive for in life.  Like having your local bartender know your name.  Don't call me an alcoholic; it's a fun status to claim.  And it gets you free drinks sometimes.

Tonight, our favorite bartender at The Daily Pint was confronted by a lame-o young man who seemed to think our favorite lady "was the worst, rudest bartender he had ever met."

I call bull shit.
And don't send your wife in to stand up for you either.  That makes you even more lame, mister.

We got to sit at the bar and commiserate with her about how rude people are.  And when I say commiserate, that includes yummy, free shots of tequila.

[If you've been to The Pint and know who I'm talking for her as best bartender in, cause she is]

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