I opted to RUN the 5K and caught myself at moments wishing I had chosen otherwise. However, passing through the 45,000 participants and reading the tribute cards pasted on their backs, kept me from slowing down. The cards were dedicated to women in their lives affected by cancer and read -- In Memory of, In support of or I am a Survivor. The cards were filled out with things like:
My loving wife
I miss my sister
My aunt -- who still gives me strength everyday
My beautiful daughter
My favorite teacher
It was heartbreaking to think that everyone in this sea of people had been affected by cancer in some way. But inspiring little gems were all around me. Specifically two.
In addition to my tribute card, I also had an 8.5 x 11 picture attached to my shirt of my friend's mom who recently passed away from Ovarian Cancer. About halfway through the run, someone tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, this fell off a ways back. I've been trying to catch up so I could give it back to you."
And on the bus ride back to our cars, the little girl in front of me took off her medal from finishing the race and placed it over the bus driver's neck. She told the bus driver she wanted to thank her for helping and for driving us around.
Not as much as I love you......Mom