Took a little shopping break at lunch today. At the Tar-jé.
When I got to the checkout line, the guy behind the counter...mid thirties, harmless...said, "Hi, are you misbehaving?"
I almost didn't hear what he said and assumed it was just a generic question. I kind of grinned and said, "No."
And he sincerely looked me straight in the eyeballs and said, "Why not?"
Good question.
I retracted my statement and said, "Well maybe a little, I'm taking a long lunch."
What's funny is...the sort of rush that rose in my chest when I realized what he had asked...cause I actually DID feel like I was misbehaving...shamelessly spending too much time away from the office. I felt like I had been caught. Could he see it in my face? How did he know?
We finished our cashier-line conversation with him explaining that he had just turned down a job in the industrial area of Santa Clarita at an "Adult Novelty" manufacturing plant. "I mean, I figure I'd have lots to talk about with my guy girlfriends probably wouldn't get it though."
Apparently they couldn't match his Tar-jé salary so he had to turn it down.
There are places in the world that pay less than Target?